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Geographical Location
Room 319, College of Law, National Chung Cheng University

Walking directions:

Enter campus through the main gate. Walk straight through campus (past Bauhinia Avenue>the Administrative Building>the Central Fountain, etc.). Reach the Social Sciences Building 2. Enter from the West Entrance to take the stairs or the East Entrance to take the elevator to the third floor. Turn right at the College of Law Departmental Office. Reach Room 319.

Driving directions:

Enter campus through the main gate. Turn right at the Activity Center/Bus Stop. Follow the outer loop till you reach the intersection. Turn left at the fork in the road until you see a red building on your left. Park at the open air parking lot. Enter from the East Entrance and take the elevator to the third floor. Turn right at the College of Law Departmental Office. Reach Room 319.
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